
Hibino is Yoko.

Thank you for a look at this page.

Currently, living in Gifu Prefecture, Ogaki.

While engaged in their own work, we have operated basic and was a classroom attached picture.

Some of those who come into the classroom, Come also already recently acquired student like the pen name of the prestigious Sato Koseki number.
We would like to continue to pursue the world of beauty played by Japanese paper along with everyone. Happily-made works, you can decorate in vivid color to your home everyone. 

Further, since this page to see, even the person who thought the purchase of work, making it possible to directly purchase from the secretariat.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


                             Yoko    Hibino        


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<< Kamiko art Secretariat >>
Postal code:503-0932 3 of Ogaki, Gifu Hon'ima-cho, 405
TEL: 0584-71-9778
FAX: 0584-71-9673
Email: yoko_hibino_2013@yahoo.co.jp
OPEN: am10: 00-pm20: 00

Further, since this page to see, even the person who thought the purchase of work, making it possible to directly purchase from the secretariat.